Aug 22, 2016 | ithlete Training
Andrew Tamplin has created and shared a great infographic giving us an insight in to his daily training cycle and decision making process.
‘The morning recovery test effects all other aspects of the daily cycle, the simple fact is that if you are not recovered sufficiently from your previous workout, work or other life stress then you are not going to be training effectively.’
Sep 24, 2015 | ithlete Training
After a tough July, Andrew Tamplin looks forward to a return to training with ithlete Pro guiding him through it. Read his August Training Blog here:
Aug 19, 2015 | ithlete Training
Andrew Tamplin started July happy, fit and looking forward to the month of sweet spot training, putting in some harder efforts with the aid of ithlete Pro to guide him. Did Andrew get through July unscathed?
Aug 11, 2015 | ithlete Training, Uncategorized
June saw a continuation of Andrew Tamplin’s zone two training and an event that should really send any persons heart racing – His wedding!
Jun 18, 2015 | ithlete Training
May saw Andrew Tamplin take on base training using ithlete Pro as his coach. A wise choice!